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...relojes de sol...sundials...cadran solaire...sonnenuhr...meridiana...

Here you can see the 7 models of the sKander universal sundial:
m01 :classic design of a vertical universal sundial. Its latitude and longitude can be graduated.
m02 :projection of the circular path of the shadow of the gnomon on a rectangular box.
m03 :casting the shadow of the gnomon onto a curved marker is the easiest way 
intuitive way to appreciate the apparent motion of the Sun from the Earth.
m04 :its geometric shape plays with projections on two planes.
m05 :with a different shape than all the models, the time is marked through a circular gnomon on a flat surface.
m06 :Unlike most mammals, bats wake up at dusk and prepare to go out to find food. Also, they are the only mammals with wings. To fly at night, some species emit an ultrasound that they pick up back like radar. They can migrate, hibernate, pollinate and... be a source of inspiration.

In construction

In construction

m07 : The Praying Mantis is an animal from the world of insects, it has multiple eyes that allow it to have a view of more than 180 degrees, it has only one ear and can live up to a year. This sundial model is inspired by the geometric shape of the mantis and its ability to adapt throughout the seasons.
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